Wednesday, January 16, 2013

What to do?!?

Okay...Now that I have started my blog, I've been looking for something to get into, i.e. blog hop, linky party, sew-along, etc. I've looked over a lot! But I have two small children at home so to load my plate with an umpteen amount of things to do with deadlines was not a good idea, AT ALL! So after perusing the blogs and debating, I settled on the All About Me Blog Hop (I'm Biased) hosted by Madam Samm.

I'm very a little excited about this as it is my first blog hop. This is an opportunity to actually view yourself as the "future you", and let everyone get an idea of what you view yourself to be in the future. What a fabulous idea! Here, I will get to showcase some of my creativity, meet some new friends along the way, but most importantly, ACTUALLY think about what kind of "young lady" I will be in the future. That's ALOT to think about!! What kind of clothes will I wear? What color would my hair be? Will I be a funky lady (probably definitely)? Or, perhaps, reserved (those that know me now know that to be not true)? But what do I IMAGINE myself to be? Who knows? WE will just have to wait and see. I have plenty of time to ponder this. I hope it's great. You know how you get that feeling...when something you think about and create is "SPOT ON"? That's how I hope this is. My first blog hop and I hope to not disappoint. See you there! 

If you aren't in it, and want to be, go here, read the info, and email Marlene (StitchinbytheLake).

Hope to see you and your creativity old lady there!

Happy Day!


  1. Hi Erica, I'm Shirley's Bloggy friend from Comanche. Yeah, I finally found you, thanks to reading Shirley's blog today! I love your catchy blog name. I finally decided to enter It's All About Me, just waiting on my pattern from the Madame. Have fun with this blog, I don't know why I blog(really I don't) but, I have a lot of fun with it. I'm you're #4 follower. Shirley talks about you all the time, she's your #1 follower and #1 fan!

    1. Well hi, Vickie! Thank you for visiting and letting me know you were here. That really makes me smile. I have also heard a lot about you from Shirley as she talks about you all the time, too!! I'm glad you found me and now we can become acquainted. Thank you for liking my blog name as I feel it's catchy AND vintage-like. I love vintage. And speaking of vintage, stay-tuned to see the vintage treasure my bf found me...for FREE! It works, just needs a few parts to complete it. It's actually a treadle machine so I am on the lookout for a treadle table, too! It's going to be fabulous. I'm excited to make a new friend and share our blogs and daily happenings together. I am happy to know you joined the ALL ABOUT ME blog hop! I can't wait to see what you come up with!

  2. P.S. I put you on my side bar under "GREAT PLACES TO VISIT"

    1. I really appreciate that, and you are too kind. It's not easy getting a blog up and going, so thanks for the help! Much Texas love for you! I'll eventually get to that part, and I will also become a fan of yours. I have been to your blog and you do beautiful work! Happy sewing!

  3. Glad to have come across your blog today love finding new ones to follow Thanks Becky
